

Quick help without travel time for private user systems, or low-cost care and remote maintenance of business systems worldwide. Due to the time difference between Uruguay and Europe from 3-5 hours, it is much easier for us to check your systems, or to perform maintenance outside your working hours.

Or do you even need quick help, or a little support within Uruguay? Then we are able to help you from our location via a remote control software, without driving to you house.
All you need is a working system and a working Internet connection, then we can control your PC from here as if we would be sitting right in front of it.


Our customers in Germany appreciate these services very much because we can take care about their systems during normal working hours in Uruguay, without interfering the operations.


If you want to ask for prices and services, please use our contact page.

AdmirorFrames 2.0, author/s Vasiljevski & Kekeljevic.