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Since the middle of last year, the state-owned energy provider in Uruguay UTE offers an app for iOS and Android.
This allows you to:
- manage accounts
- show invoices and details
- transmit meter readings (even with dual tarif, etc)
- report faults and much more
Microsoft provides the Windows 10 update for free only until the end of July 2016, after this date everybody has to pay for it. But if one still wants to keep the existing ("old") operating system, Windows 10 can also be installed as a second operating system or as a virtual PC. With a special tool from Microsoft you can download the installation files and install it as a new operating system, as second OS with a dual-boot manager or as a virtual PC.
Antel Uruguay installs the ZTE F660 router on every Fibra Optica Internet access (as far as we know!). The user and password provided with the router (user/user) will just give you an access of about 5% of the routers menu. This is enough for most people, but if you want to access special functions, you need full administration rights. That's why we've collected some of the user credentials for the F660. - Actual link to the Antel Hardware Support page. (02.2017)
Bei einer herkömmlichen Festplatte, mit drehenden Scheiben und einem Lesekopf, macht es durchaus Sinn ab und zu eine Defragmentierung durchzuführen. Dort führen die Löschung oder Verschiebung von Dateien dazu das Lücken entstehen und neu gespeicherte Dateien unter Umständen auf die vorhanden leeren Stellen verteilt werden. Dadurch muss der Lesekopf natürlich viel öfter seine Position ändern um eine Datei vollständig lesen zu können. Um das zu verhindern gibt es die Möglichkeit zu defragmentieren. Doch macht das denn auch bei den neueren SSD-Festplatten und Speicherkarten Sinn?
With a conventional hard drive with rotating discs and a reading head, it makes sense to perform a defragmentation sometimes. There the deletion and movement of files create some the gaps and newly saved files are distributed under certain circumstances on these available gaps. Therefore the reading head has the change his postion much more until he read a file completely. This costs more time. To prevent this there is the possibility to defragment. But does it make sense with the newer SSD hard drives and memory cards?